quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011


The environment destruction acts will cause the genocide of all MANKIND, and life in EARTH 

FOR THE SAKE of FUTURE OF THE PLANET and for  the LIFE in EARTH  - watch  HOME - the movie..  We are living an exceptional time , the scientists say ourselves that we have barely 10 years for change the form as we live, revert the destruction of the natural resources and the cathastrofic evolution of the climate in the Land.  These facts  ARE JUMPING to everybodys eyes - but few  are going to see.  Each person should take his part in the effort of SAVE the PLANET and the film HOME was conceived for spread this message of the need of mobilization for everybody - The recent  tragedy in Brasil - Rio de Janeiro´s Mountain Region, the floods in this southeast and south region, the dry of the rivers in the Amazonia, the devastation of the ATLANTICA FOREST of  which only remains 8% - the destruction of the AMAZON rainforest  to foment  the "progress" , and now, the approval by Brazilian government of the new factory of eletricity of BELO MONTE, in AMAZONIA, that will destroy thousand of square miles , and the animals tha live here,  the extermination of thousand BEES by pesticides, in Brazil and around the WORLD, the birds that fall dead from the sky in USA , all these facts are here for us to see, and to think about them !  Ask yourself That kind of  life will you  want for your sons, net weight, great-grandsons!  All these acts against NATURE are  against GOD´s laws also,  and against the HUMANITY rigths, and we are really destroying  the planet that keeps our lives . ACT now - do your part -  we are doing ours ...

Denying historical facts, especially on such an important subject as the Holocaust, is just not acceptable. Nor is it acceptable to call for the elimination of any State or people. I would like to see this fundamental principle respected both in rhetoric and in practice by all the members of the international community." United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Press Conference SG/2120, 14 December 2006
The environment destruction acts  can cause the genocide of MANKIND, and life on EARTH  ! 

Extracted form homeproject | 13 de janeiro de 2011 | 46242 exibições

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. The stakes are high for us and our children.

Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free.

A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

comments from Yann Arthus-Bertrand

HOME official website

PPR is proud to support HOME

HOME is a carbon offset movie

More information about the Planet

Glenn Close (voice-over)
Produced by:
Written by :

see also:

BRAZIL - the FLOODING is considered the worst natural disaster ever

Au Brésil, le bilan officiel des pluies violentes s'alourdit à plus de 800 morts

BRAZIL RECIPE FOR TRAGEDY - A receita de uma tragédia

FOR THE SAKE of FUTURE OF THE PLANET and for  the LIFE in EARTH  - watch  HOME - the movie..  We are living an exceptional time , the scientists say ourselves that we have barely 10 years for change the form as we live, revert the destruction of the natural resources and the cathastrofic evolution of the climate in the Land.  These facts  ARE JUMPING to everybodys eyes - but few  are going to see.  Each person should take his part in the effort of SAVE the PLANET and the film HOME was conceived for spread this message of the need of mobilization for everybody - The recent  tragedy in Brasil - Rio de Janeiro´s Mountain Region, the floods in this southeast and south region, the dry of the rivers in the Amazonia, the devastation of the ATLANTICA FOREST of  which only remains 8% - the destruction of the AMAZON rainforest  to foment  the "progress" , and now, the approval by Brazilian government of the new factory of eletricity of BELO MONTE, in AMAZONIA, that will destroy thousand of square miles , and the animals tha live here,  the extermination of thousand BEES by pesticides, in Brazil and around the WORLD, the birds that fall death from the sky in USA , all these facts are here for us to see, and to think about them !  Ask yourself That kind of  life will you  want for your sons, net weight, great-grandsons!  All these acts against NATURE are  against GOD´s laws also,  and against the HUMANITY rigths, and we are really destroying  the planet that keeps our lives . ACT now - do your part -  we are doing ours ...

PELO FUTURO DO PLANETA e da VIDA na TERRA - ajudem a divulgar .HOME - the movie .. Estamos vivendo uma era excepcional, os cientistas nos dizem que nós temos apenas 10 anos para mudar a forma como vivemos, reverter a destruição dos recursos naturais e a catastrofica evolução do clima na Terra. As provas estão SALTANDO aos olhos de todos - mas poucos querem ver . Cada pessoa deve tomar parte no esforço de SALVAR o PLANETA e o filme HOME foi concebido para levar a mensagem da mobilização para todos os seres humanos - A tragedia na Região Serrana, as enchentes na região sul e sudeste, a seca na Amazonia, a devastação da MATA ATLANTICA , da qual só restam 8% - a destruição da AMAZONIA a pretexto de fomentar o "progresso" - a aprovação da USINA DE BELO MONTE , o EXTERMINIO DAS ABELHAS por pesticidas, no Brasil e no MUNDO, pássaros que caem mortos do céu, aos m nada disto é problema dos governantes, apenas ! Que vida queremos para nossos filhos, netos , bisnetos ! É CRIME contra DEUS e contra a HUMANIDADE , destruir o planeta que nos sustenta ... veja mais em http://t.co/B9LAfhz - LEIA o que diz JOANNA DE ANGELIS em http://t.co/CDYGEVU - faça a sua parte - estamos fazendo a nossa!

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

27.01.2011 - BOA NOTICIA : PARABENS aos Procuradores Federais do PARÁ pela sua pronta intervenção contra o licenciamento de Belo Monte ! afinal, em 360 dias o estrago realizado pelo destamatento ( e extração de madeira ) em supressão de 238,1 hectares de vegetação = 238 mil e 100 mt2 de FLORESTA VIRGEM , sendo 64,5 hectares = 64 mil e 500 m2 em Área de Preservação Permanente (APP) por 360 dias, a partir de 26.01.2011 PRODUZIRÁ DANOS IRREPARAVEIS ao MEIO AMBIENTE , a todo o POVO BRASILEIRO (não apenas os indios e moradores da area afetada ) e ao resto do Mundo - vejam o filme HOME - um ALERTA em DEFESA DA HUMANIDADE , leiam mais em - PARABENS ao MPF do PARÁ DISSE NÃO !!!!!! ref : DIGA NÃO ! Ibama libera licença de canteiro de obras da usina de Belo Monte em ... http://t.co/ItyhrNC vejam tambem http://t.co/B9LAfhz e o ALERTA de JOANNA DE ANGELIS sobre a RESPONSABILIDADE INDIVIDUAL e COLETIVA em HOMENAGEM AS VITIMAS ... . http://t.co/CDYGEVU